Categorie: Summer

Broad bean frittata

Broad beans (or lima beans) are some of the most reliable, easiest to grow vegetables, at least in our climate. The large seeds are easy to handle and undeterred by cold, they can be sown very early. They’ll do well…

Black and red raspberry rolls

Right at our back door grow three kinds of raspberries: gold, red and black. The plants are as pretty as any ornamentals with their serrated leaves and coloured fruits. The black raspberries (Rubus occidentalis) are especially ornamental, the canes turning…

Edible garden in July

The problem with July is that the summer holiday starts. Because who wants to leave the garden behind right after the first tomatoes started ripening? I don’t, not really, but being bound by holidays scheduled by the Dutch ministry of…

Gooseberry clafoutis

When we moved to our new allotment we had to leave many fruit bushes behind, because our current allotment is quite a bit smaller. Therefore we only moved 2 out of our six gooseberry bushes, the two we like most:…

Baby vegetable risotto

It’s funny how the core of who you are and what you like to do is set at an early age. When I was about 8 or 10, I loved playing with plasticine. Together with my older cousin, we used…

Roasted strawberry cake

To end what turned into a week of strawberry recipes, I bring you a variation on the cherry bubble cake, where cherries were  substituted with roasted strawberries. The roasting,  an easy extra step that is less work than pitting cherries…

Strawberry basil ice cream

You know how many ice cream recipes have so far been published on this site? Zero. That is not because we don’t like ice cream. We do. A lot. But we don’t have a freezer and that is a fairly…

Strawberry elderflower jam

Sometimes I wonder how big a portion of our garden I would have to devote to strawberries if we were to feel like we have enough. Enough to eat as many as we want, enough to make tarts and smoothies…

Chickpeas with garden greens

The thing you should know about the Netherlands is, that most of the country is bellow sea level. Which means it would be under water, were it not for the ingenious dams holding the sea back. Therefore, if you live…

Strawberry galette with basil cream

  Summer solstice, the longest day of the year, is an important date in the garden calendar. Besides some vegetables that are especially sensitive to day length, being better sown past this date (fennel, Oriental brassica’s), it also marks the end…

Edible garden in June

June is the best of times. The days are long and there’s enough daylight to go to the allotment even after dinner. There are extravagant peonies to pick for the vase and first strawberries to cherish. There are crisp lettuces…

Double berry ricotta galette

So I baked a tart and was becoming slightly more optimistic about our new allotment and the survival chances of the trees and bushes that were moved to the new plot during the weekend. But then I had a chat…