Probably the weirdest thing that has happened as a result of my blog, was me being featured in a Chinese magazine this spring. The editor of ‘Little Thing’ magazine asked whether she could interview me for their issue on rural…
Categorie: life
December in rearview mirror
A week of eating from the garden/ end of summer
August in rearview mirror
Oslo – what we ate
July in rearview mirror
Oslo – what we did
Seasonal bouquet – midsummer abundance
Maltese Cross (Lychnis chalcedonica), Musk mallow (Malva moschata “Alba”), Heliopsis scabra “Giant Double”, Veronica longifolia “Blauriesin”, Silene coronaria, lovage (Levisticum officinale), Anthemis hybr. “Wargrave”, Canterbury Bells (Campanula medium), Verbena bonariensis It is easy to get wrapped up in the garden…