If I could grow just one vegetable (and I really hope it never comes to this), it would probably be lettuce. And if I could grow just one variety of lettuce (and again, I really hope it never comes to…
Early on we knew that a pond would be an important feature of our new garden. The main reason was to attract more wild life, especially slug-eating frogs and toads. But I also wanted to try growing edible aquatic plants…
This is the point in the year when I feel like control is slipping away from me. There are parts of the garden that are perfectly tidy and well managed and some that are…not. Since I am a bit of…
About a week ago, on a lovely evening when we were working in the garden, an elderly gentleman stopped to chat. He complimented us on the neatness of our vegetable beds and then pointed north and said: ‘And whose garden…
As someone who mostly just sees the items still on the to do list and forgets to pat herself on the shoulder for all that has been crossed off, these ‘looking-back’ posts are really good for me. I would almost…
One of the ‘jobs-in-progress’ in the garden is moving our rhubarb plants to their new location. We have many (25? 30?) rhubarb plants but since our new garden is 5 times bigger, I want to keep them all and possibly…