Seasonal bouquet – spring bulbs

spring bulbs cut flowers

Left to right: narcissus “Ice Follies”, Muscari armeniacum, hyacinth “White festival”, Scilla bifolia, Narcissus “Cragford”, crocus “Jeanne d’Arc”, blue hyacinth (might be “Blue Star”)

April means the first cut flowers from the garden. A bit of beauty in the middle of the dining table and a cloud of sweet scent – it makes me happy. Last Saturday I gathered all the different kinds of spring bulbs from our garden and put them in individual vases on the mantelpiece to show them off.

sized_Seasonal flowers April
In November last year I planted some bulbs in one of the beds in the kitchen garden specifically for picking (daffodils, tulips and alliums) and the daffodils are flowering now.

spring bulbs in the kitchen garden

As always, I favour scented varieties and the “Cragford” in this arrangement has a wonderful scent.

narcissus Cragford

The scent of the hyacinths is even headier. My mom was once given a pot of flowering hyacinths for her small office and they had such a presence that she got a headache and had to move them to a bigger, better ventilated room.

hyacinth and narcissus "Ice Follies"
Luckily the scent does not bother me – on the contrary. I often sniff the flowers in passing to enjoy them all I can. I hope you have some lovely scented flowers in your life, too!


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