We came back from our holiday 11th August and just about the first thing we did after unloading the car was heading to our allotment. Visiting your vegetable garden after more than four weeks absence, can be a little scary, My father-in-law had been a couple of times to water the garden (it’s been very hot) and to harvest but other than that the garden was left to its own devices. But mainly thanks to the generous amount of mulch we apply, the garden was not a sea of weeds when we returned but still pretty much a productive vegetable garden.
There were a few weeds and plants that ran to seed but after an evening of pulling things out we were back on track.
Here’s what we’re harvesting this month: yellow zucchini, tomatoes, tomatillos, spring onions, kohlrabi, basil, parsley, fennel, beetroot, carrots, romaine lettuce, chillies, sweet corn, beans, lemon cucumbers … Of some vegetables there’s a lot, of others just a few.
Most of the time I have two bouquets on my kitchen counter: flowers (often dahlias) and parsley. Both are pretty.
I have also made some sowings for fall & winter harvest: pak choy, corn salad (mache) and a fall leaf mix (mainly mustards). These need to be watered regularly because the weather is rather warm, sunny and dry.
In our edible forest garden at home we have harvested a few perfectly ripe figs from our “Pingo de mel” fig grown in pot. We also pick a lot of cinnamon basil to make tea which is delicious.
We are harvesting the first apples which feels a little wrong, like something too autumnal in this still summery weather.
I hope your gardens are thriving too!